This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This com- munication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Artemisszio Foundation

Artemisszio Foundation

The Artemisszió Foundation has been operating since 1998 as a non-profit organization of public interest. The founders were young anthropologists who wanted to apply their theoretical knowledge and the results of their scientific research to foster social and personal development and open-minded thinking. The Artemisszió Foundation is aiming to achieve its objectives through the research, promotion and use of the theory and practice of intercultural communication.

The goals of the Artemisszió Foundation are:

   - to encourage continuous dialogue and interaction between culturally, ethnically and socially diverse groups and to foster their mutual understanding

   - to support the social integration of socially and culturally disadvantaged groups

   - to strengthen scientific and cultural relations internationally

   - to develop and disseminate intercultural training courses, educational materials and methods

The mission of the Foundation is to provide an opportunity for the widest possible section of society to take part in activities that develop competencies that strengthen relations among people, improve communication and conflict-resolution skills, and contribute to the development of tolerance, mutual understanding and cooperation. For us it is a priority to include socially disadvantaged groups - the unemployed, people living in rural areas, the Roma and immigrants - to increase their equal opportunities and to fight social exclusion.

For more information:

1085 Budapest Rökk Szilárd utca 11.

Tel: (36-1) 413-6517

